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How to place an order?You must be a registered member to view the wholesalers pages and place the order. If you have not yet registered please go to the website (, click on “Log In”, then fill up the form. Follow the prompts and submit your information. You will get notification by email once your Wholesale Account is approved. Please login with your account credentials and visit the ‘For Wholesalers’ page to start navigating the products. To view the wholesale price, you can click the tab ‘WHOLESALE PRICES’ to view the prices for different quantity ranges. To order, please select the desired color and quantity. Once you have chosen the quantity and color, proceed to ‘Add To Cart’, and ‘View Cart’. Alternatively, click ‘Place Order Now’ if you do not plan to order any additional products. You will see the discounted prices based on the selected quantities.
How to pay?We accept payments through bank wireless transfer, PayPal, Stripe, Payoneer, WeChat, etc. Please contact our Sales Team if you don’t find your preferred payment method mentioned here.
How long does it take to ship the order?Please allow at least 2-7 days from the time of your order for completion of items. Larger orders may require more time; please contact our sales team for information about availability.
How much is the shipping cost?Shipping is not included in the cost of goods. Please ensure that you have entered your shipping address, contact email address, and phone number accurately. Our sales team will reach out to you via email to provide a quote for the shipping cost and discuss the payment method of your preference.
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